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EPA to Caltrans: Clean Up Your Act!--Watch Costs Go Up

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  • EPA to Caltrans: Clean Up Your Act!--Watch Costs Go Up

    Arnold claims to be an environmental Governor. Yet, one of his agencies is a major polluter.

    "Caltrans has to stop letting nasty chemicals from local maintenance yards and construction sites leak into rivers and streams, the federal Environmental Protection Agency announced today.

    The order comes after the EPA snooped around Caltrans facilities and road construction sites in Northern California and found that the state agency in charge of roads, bridges and the like isn’t following regulations on storm-water runoff."

    Except being an on going source of jokes for Leno and Letterman, giving them jobs, what did this ego driven amateur do for our State. He wants you to recycle bottles and light bulbs, while he led an organization that openly pollutes our streams and rivers.

    I have a new word for Arnold: HYPOCRITE Less than 50 days and he will take a hike.
