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Supreme Court Returns Free Speech to Campaign Financing--Little Real Change

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  • Supreme Court Returns Free Speech to Campaign Financing--Little Real Change

    This Supreme Court decision only makes legal, what is already done by unions and corporations--participating in campaigns by donating money and resources.

    Everybody donates what they want now--through PAC's, bundling,"advocacy"groups, etc.

    This court decision will not change the money involve, only that it will be donated and used more directly.

    This is NOT a big decision, it changes very little, just recognizes reality.

    The pundits and the Liberals will scream the sky is falling--too bad they prefer lying to telling the truth.

    The difference is that union money is stolen from workers forced to pay bribes in order to work--even teachers and cops! Corporations? You can sell the stock and you pay nothing.

    Fun story, no substance--just a lot of noise.
