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No Justice in CA: On Death Row 27 Years

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  • No Justice in CA: On Death Row 27 Years

    Does it really take 27 years to decide a death sentence? Get real--this is why criminals have little fear of the death penalty in California.

    "California has by far the largest death row in the nation, with 685 inmates. Yet only 13 condemned prisoners have been executed since capital punishment was restored in 1977, far fewer than the 38 death row inmates who have died of natural causes.

    By contrast, Texas has carried out 441 executions during the same period and has 358 inmates on death row. Virginia has executed 103 people during that time and has 18 inmates on death row."

    Pass this along, show how justice is for the criminal, not the victim, in California.

    We need answers--quickly. Being on death row for 27 years is a farce--a farce on the people of California.

    Shame on us for allowing this.
