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Democrats Want Ex-Felon on Sentencing Commission

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  • Democrats Want Ex-Felon on Sentencing Commission

    Only the Democrats can come up with this. They want to have a "Sentencing Commission"--not responsible to anybody--to determine the sentencing policies of California. So, regardless of their craziness--it will take a referendum or initiative to get back to responsible government.

    But the really nutty part of this, is that the Democrats have one place on the Commission set for a criminal.

    Do you really feel a criminal has a place in setting the length of sentences for other criminals? How will we know that criminal is still not active?

    What are the Democrats thinking about? Why do they want your family to be in danger, then have a released criminal to help set the sentencing laws?

    This may be the nuttiest thing the California Democrats ever did.

    The question now is whether the Governor will sign such a bill? What do you think?


  • #2

    it takes all types I guess, and I'm talking about the author.

    The reason why our country is going to hell in a handbasket.


    • #3
      Typical of the Legislature and Governor,

      Notice that the only demographic not included is just a standard taxpayer with no other axes to grind. They have lots of judicial, law enforcement or other bureaucrats, and even include a felon and crime victim. But not one regular guy that pays for it all. We are no one to them

