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Frustrated Los Angeles teachers now have a progressive voice, NewTLA

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  • Frustrated Los Angeles teachers now have a progressive voice, NewTLA

    How radical can a teachers union go? The United Teachers of Los Angeles sounds more like ACORN and Obama than an educational union.

    "Instead of addressing these key issues, UTLA often either defends the failed status quo or tackles issues completely unrelated to education in Los Angeles. At its June, 2010 meeting, the House of Representatives (UTLA’s official governing body) passed motions that included support for the Iraqi teachers union in its struggle against an Iraqi government takeover and support for the CNTE teachers union in Mexico. At a time of unprecedented educational challenges here in Los Angeles, UTLA appears to be the only union that actively pursues its own foreign policy."

    Then you have folks who claim to represent the "needs of the teachers--"NewTLA" What do they stand for?

    "Fortunately, there is a growing voice of teachers looking for new direction within the union. Late last year, more than 50 teachers dedicated to progressive policies and reform were elected to UTLA’s House of Representatives. This group – NewTLA – offers an alternative within our union. NewTLA encourages openness to innovation, while looking to broaden participation to all teachers in Los Angeles. NewTLA recognizes that teachers’ ability to secure and retain competitive conditions depends on our ability to meet educational needs of students, parents, and the community;"

    What the heck do those words mean? It means they are hiding their real purpose by using weird words, in weird combination's, to sound like they are educated. Do you really want people who talk and write like this to teach your children?

    Maybe UTLA needs to stay forcing teachers to pay it bribes in order to support a jihadists foreign policy? Maybe NewTLA needs to learn to talk in language that makes sense.

    How about allowing parents to be freed from the terrorist unions?
