Sacramento can be a pivotal area for state issues. There are all the basic ingredients for corruption here. we have more city, county, state, and federal government entities and employees here per square foot than in any other part of the state. It's hard to throw a rock from anywhere in Sac and not hit a government bureaucrat.
What better place to focus on but Sacramento at this time - the home of our wonderful lawmakers... breakers.
Most of them don't actually live here, but rather gather for the feast here. Those per diem checks are testimony to that. But there are no restrictions on staking out the feeding grounds to observe and monitor the herd of politicians as they gorge themselves on pork, perks, and political contributions. The three p's are the major food groups
Hello, it sure is nice to have found you, me and my wife live in yolo counting, both of us are in our 60s, and we are more than willing to fight corruption in this state, we are both highly offended by our government's lack of action over this illegal invasion, and the corruption of our city, county and state officials. We both remember this State when it was a prosperous and economical powerhouse, for both the country and the citizens of this state.
Glad to see you found your way here. I agree with you on the assessment of California. I'm an old timer from here too. Bet you see a lot of illegals out your way