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National Political News and Views 11/09/10

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  • National Political News and Views 11/09/10


    1. Environmentalists Blocking Wind Farms? And Solar? And Geothermal?, Patrick Richardson, Pajamas Media, 11/08/10

    Ted Kennedy wanted YOU to use alternative energy sources, like wind and solar. Yet, he spent the last part of his life killing an effort to create a windmill farm near his Hyannis Port home. Kennedy was an elitist hypocrite, hating those who did not make their family money bootlegging liquor. he and the rest of the Kennedys have Trust funds set up to limit their taxes--but want you to pay more taxes.

    Kansas is ranked second in the nation behind Montana for wind energy potential, a fact which should have environmentalists jumping for joy. Instead, they’re trying to block the construction of transmission lines to wind farms in south central Kansas and north central Oklahoma.
    Why? Well it all has to do with the lesser prairie chicken. According to a story by the Hutchinson News in February of this year, ranchers and wildlife officials in the area are teaming up with groups like the Sierra Club to block the construction of the lines, which would apparently run through prime breeding territory for the bird. Studies by Kansas State University show the birds will not nest within 400 yards of a power line, and the counties through which the lines would run are where the largest concentrations of the birds remain. Indeed, Kansas is the last state in the nation with a hunting season for lesser prairie Chicken."
    The only chickens here are the people refusing to laugh at this silliness’s--this is not good enough for Seinfeld, or public policy. Laugh these folks off...they are NOT serious.
    2. Planned Parenthood Makes Post-Election Appeal to Donors for Help in Saving Its Taxpayer Funding From 'Dangerous Politicians', By Penny Starr,, 11/08/10

    Planned Parenthood is facing tremendous financial problems--government may cut the money sent to this political organization promoting abortions and making money from the killing of babies.

    According to the last annual report made public by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, the organization received $349.6 million in government grants and contracts.
    Pence (R-Ind.) was one of 31 Republicans who ordered a report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) seeking the total amount of federal funding used by Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups, including the Guttmacher Institute, the Population Council, Advocates for Youth, the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)."
    With people losing jobs and homes, is the sponsoring of abortions a good sue of tax dollars?

    3. CNN Exit Polls Reveal Voters Disapprove Of Everything, Democrats, Republicans Hardest Hit, by John Hayward, Human Events, 11/08/10

    Make no mistake about it--the American people are angry at the "political class", GOP'ers and Democrats. They feel we have failed them, first with Bush and his band of Republicans, then with Obama and his band of Democrats.
    "For example, the same percentage of respondents claims to have voted for Barack Obama and John McCain. Since Obama won the actual election by seven points, and the 45% support expressed for each candidate is close to the 46% McCain actually pulled, one suspects a great deal of Obama-Biden 2008 bumper stickers are getting steamed off the rear windows of the nation’s automobiles. Four percent of the exit poll respondents said they did not vote in 2008, with 60% of these non-voters identifying as Republican, providing evidence that one of McCain’s biggest problems was his failure to energize his base. Interestingly, 5% of Republican voters indicated strong approval of President Obama’s performance, which suggests the pollsters spent a lot of time hanging around outside Lindsay Graham’s house.
    Republicans and Democrats had roughly equivalent approve/disapprove numbers, which is somewhat unusual, given the magnitude of the Republican victory on Tuesday. GOP freshmen would be well-advised to study incoming Florida senator Marco Rubio’s victory speech, in which he spoke eloquently of the Republicans winning a “second chance to be what they said they were going to be, so long ago.”
    4. Soros-supported ‘Secretary of State Project’ dealt blow in midterm elections, By Matthew Vadum, 11/09/10

    George Soros is a felon, convicted of financial manipulations in France, tried to destroy the British economy and now trying to own the United States through buying of the Democrat Party. One thing he wanted was control over our election process, through owning the chief election office of each State, the Secretary of State.
    "The plans of radical philanthropist George Soros and his billionaire allies to make it easier for state officials to affect the outcomes of elections through chicanery were dealt a temporary setback last week.
    That’s because five out of seven candidates backed by the Soros-supported “Secretary of State (SoS) Project” went down in flames November 2. Of the SoS candidates endorsed by the “527” political committee, only incumbents Mark Ritchie of Minnesota and Debra Bowen of California failed to drown in the GOP tidal wave. Using 527 groups, which may accept unlimited contributions, is a Soros trademark. Soros gave close to $24 million to 527 groups in 2004 in a failed attempt to defeat President Bush"
    5. Job Openings in U.S. Decreased 163,000 in September, By Shobhana Chandra, Bloomberg, 11/09/10
    America is in a Depression. Our deficit is growing by the trillions, foreclosures are growing, and unemployment is "officially" listed as 9.6%--but is really a minimum of 17% nationally. We "grew" 150,000 jobs in October, many government jobs, but future jobs will be limited--in September the number of new job openings decreased by 163,000. Not good for the future.
    "Job openings in the U.S. dropped in September for a second month, signaling a sustained labor market rebound will take time to develop, a government report showed.
    Openings decreased by 163,000 to 2.93 million, the Labor Department said today in Washington. The number of people hired rose from the prior month and separations declined."
    6. "I'm a Denier", Daily Mail (UK) song, 11/08/10
    This is a parody set to the tune of The Monkees "I'm a Believer". Very funny, listen to the words--very serious--"it was all a hoax--I am a denier, not a liar". Really tears apart the Bernie Madoff of the Climate Change movement, Al Gore--for whom the deadly disease Al Gore Syndrome is named.
    Pass this along to your friends--the Left has no sense of humor--this will irk them!
