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National Political News and Views 11/04/10

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  • National Political News and Views 11/04/10


    1. The High Cost of Green Energy Programs in Massachusetts, National Center for Policy Analysis, 11/01/10

    Past is prologue. Watching ObamaCare by seeing Massachusetts health care, you know it is a disaster--it will bankrupt the state while providing rationed care. The "green" program in just as bad.

    " * By 2020 the green energy policies for renewable energy and energy efficiency will raise electricity rates over 2.6 cents per kilowatt hour.
    * These policies will cost an average household $1,582.
    * The cost to an average commercial business will be $15,559 and $141,255 to an average industrial business.
    * From 2010 through 2020 the total cost of the green energy mandates, programs and incentives will be $9.8 billion (in 2010 dollars)."

    Thanks to Arnold and his AB 32--this will be California in short order. Adds to the Arnold Depression in California.

    2. How to Cut $343 Billion from the Federal Budget, National Center for Policy Analysis, 11/02/10

    Fixing the Obama/Democrat mess will not happen over night--though the mess was created with only a few legislative bills.

    Runaway spending has increased annual federal budget deficits to unprecedented levels, adding $2.7 trillion to the national debt in the past two years alone, including a record $1.4 trillion deficit for fiscal year (FY) 2009 and a $1.3 trillion deficit for FY 2010.
    • If Congress does nothing and simply continues existing taxing and spending policies, federal deficits will grow, reaching a projected $2 trillion deficit in just 10 years -- and even that assumes a return to peace and prosperity.
    Soaring spending drives these dangerous deficits.
    • By 2020, federal spending is set to soar to 26 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), after having averaged 20 percent after World War II.
    • Revenues will likely return to their post-World War II average of 18 percent of GDP by 2020, even if the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts are made permanent."

    3. Medicare Standards Are Too Strict, 2 Courts Find, NY Times, 11/02/10

    President Obama is working hard to kill health care coverage for seniors. Hhe cut $500 BILLION from Medicare--and that is just the start.

    "Two federal courts have ruled that the Obama administration is using overly strict standards to determine whether older Americans are entitled to Medicare coverage of skilled nursing home care and home health care.
    Medicare will pay for those services if they are needed to maintain a person’s ability to perform routine activities of daily living or to prevent deterioration of the person’s condition, the courts said. Medicare beneficiaries do not have to prove that their condition will improve, as the government sometimes contends, the courts said."
    Why does Obama and his Democrat friends want to kill off the elderly as quickly as possible?
    4. Obama Spends Billions, Only Adds to College Costs, National Center for Policy Analysis, 11/04/10

    Obama is making sure that a college education is too expensive for the middle class. The rich can pay for it. Government will pay for the poor, it is the middle class that will not be able to afford a college degree. That is part of the reason the Democratstook over student loans programs, making them ILLEGAL for private firms. Government will decide who goes to college and who will not be allowed in.
    • "Uncle Sam handed out $28.2 billion in Pell grants to students in the 2009-2010 school year, almost $10 billion more than the previous year.
    • Since taking office, President Obama has increased spending on student aid by nearly 50 percent, to $145 billion, the Wall Street Journal reports.
    • From 2000 to 2010, tuition and fees at four-year institutions increased an average of 5.6 percent faster than inflation.
    • Apologists for higher education blame cutbacks in state appropriations, which declined 5 percent in 2009-2010."
    5. The Fed's $600 Billion Dollar Plan For Economic Suicide, Yid with a Lid, 11/03/10

    The Fed is about to provide us with runaway inflation, higher consumer costs and a Jimmie Carter economy.

    "For all intents and purposes that $600 billion is being borrowed. As the government’s banker, the Fed can borrow money, and pay it back when it chooses to, by selling off the bonds that it will be purchasing. The effect of this kind of action is the same as if Congress was appropriating another "porkulus" it dumps cash into the economy by increasing our federal debt. This move is essentially ignoring the message the voters sent to the government yesterday, even worse, it is economic suicide.

    Here's the problem, by "printing" all of this extra cash our government is trying to create inflation and "spur the economy" with this move there is a real chance of creating hyperinflation. That's exactly what Germany did in the late 1920's."
