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National Political News and Views 11/01/10

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  • National Political News and Views 11/01/10


    1. Tsunami: Could Be 100 House Seats (and Maybe the Senate), By C. Edmund Wright, American Thinker, 11/01/10

    To me, it looks like a minimum of a 65 seat pick up--with an outside chance of 73-75. Either way, this is a total denouncement of that totalitarian politics and policies of Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

    The GOP will win a minimum of eight Senate seats. We should not gloat, this is a failure of the Democrats, not an affirmation of the Republicans. That will come with hard work and keeping our word to limit taxes and government.

    And keep in mind, the difference between 75 seats and a hundred seats could be a mere vapor of a half-percent of the raw vote. The point is, this beat-down will be bigger than the pundit class is predicting.
    After all, Brown not only won the Massachusetts Senate election statewide, but he also carried Barney Frank's congressional district. This was even more stunning than the fact that he had taken the statewide election -- and is the kind of info that sends folks like Michael Barone shuffling back through their notes to make sure there is not a typo somewhere."

    2. Gallup poll points to GOP rout, Politico, 11/01/10

    The real question is: how big the victory, and do we handle it to build on for 2012?

    "Gallup's Oct. 28-31 survey of 1,539 likely voters, which was conducted with USA Today, documented an increase in the “enthusiasm gap” between the two parties. The survey found that 75 percent of Republicans and independents who lean Republican are "absolutely certain" they will vote in the 2010 midterms, compared with 68 percent of Democrats.
    In recent years, the turnout gap between the two parties has been 2 or 3 points. In 1994, when Republicans gained 54 House seats from the 1992 results, Gallup’s final pre-election poll showed a 67 percent to 62 percent “enthusiasm” lead for Republicans."
    3. U.S. and Its ‘Broken’ Immigration System to Be Reviewed by U.N. Human Rights Council ,, 11/01/10
    Does the State of Arizona or should the United States care about what the United nations of our State laws? The Human rights Council has Libya, Iran and cuba on it--beheadings, jailings and executions are what they do.
    More reason to end all US funding of this corrupt, totalitarians, terrorist protecting organization. World Peace? Not a goal of the United Nations. Totalitarianism is closer to the truth.
    "The United States this week will undergo its first appraisal by the U.N. Human Rights Council, and one of the issues likely to be raised – thanks to the Obama administration – is Arizona’s new immigration law." Why does our own President hate Americans so much?
    4. 20 reasons Democrats are the walking dead, Reuters blog, 11/01/10
    Need more reasons?
    "6. Americans think the stimulus has pretty much failed. Some 68% of likely voters think the money the federal government has spent on the economic stimulus has been mostly “mostly wasted.” (ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Sept. 30-Oct. 3.)

    7. Obama’s unpopular and off-point agenda. Democrats love to say how productive Congress has been. But apparently it has been passing stuff Americans don’t really want. They don’t like healthcare reform (56 percent to 39 percent), bank bailouts (61 percent to 37 percent), or the auto bailouts (56 percent to 43 percent), according to Gallup.

    8. The astounding budget deficit. Politicians are usually dubious about whether Americans really care about the deficit. The Tea Party movement showed otherwise. Numbers in the trillions are so mindboggling ginormous that they undercut confidence in the economic progress that has been made. Americans know such debt levels are unsustainable."

    5. Largest Pink Ribbon Organization Caught Giving Millions to Abortion Provider, Liberty Counsel, 11/01/10
    You thought that by going on that Susan Komen anti-breast cancer walk for life, you were supporting cancer victims and saving lives. You were wrong. $3 million or more went to the killing of babies, not cancer cures.
    “Susan G. Komen for the Cure” claims to be the world’s largest grassroots network fighting for the cure of breast cancer, yet it gives millions of dollars to the abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. In at least 22 states, Komen affiliates have sent donations to Planned Parenthood. Last year, these donations added up to $731,000. For the past five years, the donations reached a staggering $3 million, according to the Life Issues Institute."
