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National Political News and Views 10/28/10

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  • National Political News and Views 10/28/10


    1. During Breast Cancer Month Obama’s FDA Ponders Delisting Cancer Drug, Publius Forum, 10/27/10

    Who says we do not have death panels? Who says that Obama does not have a sense of humor?

    So you have Avastin, a drug used to treat breast cancer that has a record of extending the lives of sufferers for at least five and a half months, and it’s October, the month declared Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you are the Obama Federal Drug Administration, what do you do? Apparently you look to delist the drug."

    Why does Barack hate women so much?

    2. Labor helps key Senate Dems, but abandons most House Blue Dogs, By Alexander Bolton, The Hill, 10/27/10

    The unions have made it clear to Democrats, either vote our way or we will throw you under the bus. Unions have become another radical agent of the Democrat Party. They are getting rid of Democrat members of Congress that represent their districts, not the extortionist unions.

    "Organized labor is holding its nose and spending money to protect key Democrats in the Senate, hoping to create a bulwark to hold back Republicans in the House.

    But labor has abandoned 26 House Democrats who did not support the union agenda in the 111th Congress, leaving them to be pounded by corporate-funded third party groups."

    Too bad the wishes of the members, those paying bribes to work, do not count.

    3. Black Panther blackout, New reports raise stakes on voter-intimidation case, Washington Times Editorial, 10/27/10

    The bigoted Obama administration has done it best to defend the Black Panthers, call a white Cambridge, Massachusetts cop a racist and in general made sure the Jeremiahs Wrights' have free reign over this nation.

    "The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights votes tomorrow on its report regarding the Black Panther voter-intimidation case. The Obama administration's malfeasance in this scandal is becoming impossible to avoid - even for the White House's most reliable defenders."

    4. Is Green Socialism EPA's Real Goal?, Investors Business Daily, 10/27/10

    I thought the purpose of our environmental laws was to fix standards to save the planet. I was wrong. It is "environmental justice", that is the reason for the EPA, AB 32 and other frauds promoted by suffers of AGS (Al Gore Syndrome)

    "While it destroys jobs with its regulations, the EPA has an opening for an "environmental protection specialist" whose job it is to help the agency meet its "environmental justice goals." Meet its what?

    If socialism and environmentalism had a child, it would be called the Environmental Protection Agency. Established under President Nixon to ensure the quality of our air and water, it has become a tool of social engineering to implement President Obama's promised fundamental transformation of America."

    5. 34 more face voter fraud charges in Hennepin County, Star Tribune (Minneapolis), 10/27/10

    It has taken two years before authorities in Minnesota brings charges against crooks who stole a US Senate seat and gave it to a comedian who is worse that Jerry Seinfeld. The Senate race won by Al Franken was "won" by fraud--and their is nothing we can do to get a new, honest election.

    "Thirty-four more people will be charged with voter fraud in Hennepin County in the 2008 election, County Attorney Mike Freeman announced Tuesday, bringing the total cases of alleged abuse to 47 for that election year.

    Freeman's office announced the decision a week after the county sheriff announced voting-related charges against seven people, most of whom are accused of registering to vote while ineligible."
