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National Political News and Views 10/21/10

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  • National Political News and Views 10/21/10


    1. 11 State Pension Funds that May Run Out of Money, Yahoo Finance, 10/18/10

    Will it be the deficits and debts being piled up by the States that will cause their fiscal collapse; or will it be the unfunded liabilities for pension plans that will kill them.

    Actually, the cumulative of debts, deficits and pensions will cause a massive restructuring of government. Britain has announced it will be laying off 500,000 government employees. Even tiny Cuba is in the process of laying off half a million State employees.

    We are about to see the biggest reduction of government in world history--in Britain, France, Cuba and even the United States.

    2. Breaking News! The earth is warming! No wait, it’s cooling! No wait . . .,By Art Horn Meteorologist and Michael J. Economides, Editor in Chief Energy Tribune, 10/20/10

    This is what we already knew--Al Gore and his greedy friends were trying to scazre us to death and economic collapse. The more they scared us, the more they made money.

    Now we know that Gore's friends shredded data, bullied people and downright lied.

    "A careful look back at the history of climate stories in the media presents the re-occurrence of a remarkably consistent theme. It borders on a comedy routine, had it not had such a massive public impact during the last few years.
    All of the recent media reports of unrelenting global warming and its dire consequences are in fact old news, a mere regurgitation of decades old stories. As the global temperature has cycled over the last 115 years from cold to warm to cold to warm again, the media has simply been following in almost lock step with it. In fact, media cycles of climate doom, which mirror the climate cycles themselves, have roughly a 10- to 15-year time lag. It seems whenever the world warms up, the number of global warming stories increases to match the trend; conversely when the climate cools down, the media pull up on their long johns and warn of the next ice age."
    3. A Soulless White House, By James Lewis, American Thinker, 10/21/10

    Michelle Obama is Jewish. Guess you did not know that.

    At least she acts like a Jewish mother--telling her children--YOU--how and what to eat, how much to exercise, how to do not have to Jewish to be a Jewish mother.

    "I think Barack and Michelle Obama are secret totalitarians -- in spirit, if not yet in fact -- who believe mostly in their own superior intentions. Michelle really does think the country needs an all-powerful Food Mom who will make the kids eat right, so they never get fat. Even though Michelle can't control her own appetite any more than the rest of us can.

    Human beings love to eat because our ancestors lived in constant fear of famine. Humans got fat when food was plentiful, because the chances were good that a drought or a freeze was coming soon to kill the crops and the cattle. Fat is how our bodies store food. Fat people can make it through the lean years when skinny people get sick and die."

    4. 'Superman' debate: Waiting for the teachers’ unions, By Larry Sand, San Diego Union, 10/21/10

    As long as unions can force teachers to pay bribes in order to teach, they will have money to buy school boards. As long as unions control school boards, government education will only be second rate.

    Unions oppose home schooling, charter and private schools--unless they have your child as a hostage they consider the parents as abusive and unable to give values to their kids.

    Only those who live by extortion and bribes are fit to be in the classroom. This makes Chicago look good.

    Free the teachers. Free the children. End the monopoly of corrupt unions.

    5. In 15 of Last 25 Months, Treasury Needed to Borrow Money to Pay Social Security Benefits, By Chris Johnson,, 10/21/10

    BO has added three trillion to the deficit in 20 months. Over the next three years he will add a staggering $5.6 trillion to the debt.

    Not showing on the balance sheets are the unfunded liabilities of trust funds, like Social Security. We are already borrowing money to pay for those obligations.

    "Prior to August 2008, the Social Security system usually—but not always—ran monthly surpluses, and surplus Social Security taxes were always used by the government to cover deficits in the general federal budget with a promise by the Treasury to eventually pay the money back to the Social Security trust fund when the funds were needed to cover anticipated shortfalls in Social Security revenue. Surplus Social Security tax revenue was never actually set aside to cover these anticipated deficits in Social Security. It was always immediately spent.

    In August, the latest month on record, the Social Security system was $8.621 billion in the red, according to the Social Security Administration. That was the fifteenth month since August 2008 in which the system posted a monthly deficit. Back in August 2008, the Social Security system dipped into deficit by $118 million."
