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NorCal/SoCal Absentee Ballots Make a Big Difference

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  • NorCal/SoCal Absentee Ballots Make a Big Difference

    Votes count. In a statewide race it does not matter if a vote comes from Fullerton in the South or Roseville in the North.

    We can be assured that more than 50% of all the votes on November 2 will be cast by absentee ballot. Where do these ballots come from?

    "Voters nominated a statewide ticket dominated by Northern California candidates, and final turnout numbers from the Secretary of State show L.A. under-performing the rest of the state by 13 percent and the Bay Area over-performing by 7 percent. In raw numbers, this represents 575,000 vote drop in L.A. County and 235,000 vote gain in the Bay Area a seismic shift of 800,000 votes.

    Absentee voting in L.A. County was so low in June that less than 9 percent of its registered voters cast a ballot by mail. This is compared to 25 percent of all registered voters in the Bay Area and 23 percent in the Central Valley. In another point of comparison, L.A. voters cast just 20,000 more pre-election day ballots than San Diego County, even though L.A. has three times more voters."

    Southern California is significantly more conservative than Northern California. So, the raw numbers show why liberals have a leg up on victory on November 2.

    The real question is why voting, especially by absentee ballot is comparatively low in So Cal? My guess is that folks in So Cal have given up on government being responsible, regardless of election results.

    Why vote, when you think you are getting a Republican Governor, Arnold, instead you get a Kennedy Leftists, Arnold? Arnold has killed the GOP brand in California--making it tougher for the GOP to win the governorship, on down.
