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Ntional Political News and Views 10/13/10

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  • Ntional Political News and Views 10/13/10


    1. New Lame Duck Threat to Bailout Union Pensions, Human Events, 10/8/10 In politics you never stop paying off your major donors, especially if in two years you need their money again.

    Looks like Obama and the Democrats will bail out the mismanaged and corrupt unions pensions, in the lame duck session of Congress. The good news is that this will help defeat 20-25 Democrats in 2012, who vote to give tax dollars to the openly corrupt unions.

    Democrats in the Senate on Thursday held a recess hearing covering a taxpayer bailout of union pensions and a plan to seize private 401(k) plans to more "fairly" distribute taxpayer-funded pensions to everyone.

    Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee heard from hand-picked witnesses advocating the infamous "Guaranteed Retirement Account" (GRA) authored by Theresa Guilarducci."

    Oh, the Democrats want to steal your 401 (k) money!! Wait till you hear the yelling on that one! It could force the Democrats to findd new legislative leaders and Obama to start writing his memoirs instead of campaigning in 2012.

    2. Gates Foundation gives $20 million for online courses, By Gautham Nagesh, The Hill, 10/11/10 Why do we need government buildings to educate many of our students? why do we need wasteful cafeterias run by food nazi's, sport teams taking needed textbook money.

    Here is a novel idea--a facility JUST for education. Bill gates understands the power of the Internet. Students can get a great education via the Internet,we save money on buildings and by not having students leave home, we protect the environment by lowering the carbon footprint of each student. It is a win-win for students and education. The loser? The monopoly unions--fewer teachers paying bribes to work.

    3. The Chevy Volt Aint an Electric Car, Capitol Commentary, 10/12/10 Fraud is fraud, Worse when it is committed by government.

    "Chevrolet received about $52 billion from the U.S. taxpayer and another $9.5 billion from the Canadian taxpayer. The company is still a mess and its newest product touted by Liberals everywhere and driven for ten feet by President Obama is the Volt an electric car. The car will be sold (at huge losses) for about $41,000.00. each.

    During the height of the bailout, President Obama touted the Volt as a symbol of how Chevy was going to make it thanks to the help of great products like it and the wallets of the American taxpayer. The Volts batteries are made by a South Korean company (which received $150 million in U.S. taxpayer monies).

    Now, it turns out, the Volt isn't even an electric car its a fancy hybrid like the Civic or Prius."


    4. Obamas Hypocrisy on School Choice, by Emily Miller, Human Events, 10/12/2010 Obama is a hypocrite. he demands your child be held hostage by unions in government schools. He sends his children to an exclusive,expensive private school. What is the quality of education at this fancy school?

    Al Gore went to this school and look how uneducated he is.

    "Obamas slavish devotion to the teachers unions has led him to consistently oppose school vouchers and charter schools. But, that didnt stop him from using students from the documentary as political props in his Oval Office photo-op.

    The D.C. public school system is controlled by the federal government and is considered the worst system in the nation. Obama and his Education Secretary Arne Duncan have shut down D.C.s popular, federally funded voucher program that allows low-income families in the District to send their children to private schools."

    Since D.C.schools has mostly black students, is this a form of racism by Barack? If a white president did this Jesse Jackson would be screaming racism.

    More proof of the racism of the Left.

    5. For Democrats, Even Safe Seats Are Shaky, By JEFF ZELENY, NY Times, 10/11/10 Is this the change election that political scientists have looked for since after the 1860 election? At this point the GOP will win 52 congressional seats. If the anger gets worse, we could see between 75-80 seats lost to the Democrats. If that happens, the opportunity to win 10 seats in the Senate in higher.

    Barney Frank, John Dingell, John Spratt, all long time incumbents could lose. Many other Democrat committee chairs could lose.

    "As Republicans made new investments in at least 10 races across the country, including two Democratic seats here in eastern Ohio, Democratic leaders took steps to pull out of some races entirely or significantly cut their financial commitment in several districts that the party won in the last two election cycles.

    Representatives Steve Driehaus of Ohio, Suzanne M. Kosmas of Florida and Kathy Dahlkemper of Pennsylvania were among the Democrats who learned that they would no longer receive the same infusion of television advertising that party leaders had promised. Party strategists conceded that these races and several others were slipping out of reach."
