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California?s Prop. 21 Would Perpetuate the State?s Parks Plight--Make Families Poorer

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  • California?s Prop. 21 Would Perpetuate the State?s Parks Plight--Make Families Poorer

    Democrats loves taxes. They understand if a tax is for a specific project, people might be fooled--tax us for cops, clean air, water, and we go crazy to support it.

    We never ask the two key questions. 1) is there another way to fund this project 2) is the money being spent for what we thought we were buying.

    Prop. 21 takes money from inner city residents to pay for parks they never see. Plus the money goes to "parks". What does that really mean?

    "There is little doubt that many of California's parks are in desperate need of improvements and upgrades, but ironically, Prop. 21 defendants unwittingly prove that the state cannot be trusted to maintain these parks.

    Under the state's negligent stewardship the parks have accumulated over $1 billion in deferred maintenance. The state has also closed or deeply reduced services in 150 parks during the past year. The Los Angeles Times reported last year that only 13 of the state's 278 parks were financially self-sustaining."

    Can you spell corruption?
