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More CalPRS Corruption Exposed

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  • More CalPRS Corruption Exposed

    Here is the situation: "A CalPERS board member running for re-election, George Diehr, has listed the CalPERS headquarters address in Sacramento and a CalPERS-funded home telephone as a contact on a campaign brochure and website.

    His critics say its a violation of state law that prohibits the use of public resources for political campaigns.

    Diehr, preferring not to list his home address, said he thought the CalPERS address was acceptable because he had used it in filing documents, drawing no objections."

    CalPRS has paid "finders fees" to Board members, investing in losing real estate, having $525 in unfunded liabilities--still they have time to allow the use of their facilities for candidates, fund raising and headquarters.

    Let me guess, the guy is a Democrat?
