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California murderer's execution OKd

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  • California murderer's execution OKd

    This criminal raped a 14 year old girl and served less than three years.

    Four months after being paroled, he killed a 15 year old girl--that was 30 years ago--a generation.

    Finally, he will be executed this week.

    "U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel expressed concern about the limited time he had to evaluate the state's newly revised execution procedures and gave Brown the choice of being put to death by a single injection, as practiced in Washington and Ohio, instead of by the state's three-drug method.

    Fogel expressed inner conflict over his ruling, saying his court was "painfully aware that however it decides a case of this nature, there will be many who disagree profoundly with its decision. The moral and political debate about capital punishment will continue, as it should."

    But the state has "a strong interest in proceeding with its judgment," the judge conceded. He said he was offering the single-injection option to alleviate his residual concerns about the potential for the three-injection method to subject condemned inmates to cruel and unusual punishment."

    Then we Lefts worry. "Five years ago, she said, Fogel spent a lot of time meticulously examining the setting, training and testing that lay behind California's lethal injection process before finding flaws in it. But the judge's ruling in Brown's case came without his having examined the new execution chamber that has been built in the meantime and without his examining the training for those who administer the drugs.

    "There are so many unanswered questions and so many uncertainties that to allow the execution to go forward with those is really troubling," said Kreitzberg, who opposes the death penalty. "It's surprising after five years that everyone is rushing to have these executions move forward so quickly."

    So quickly? Is 30 years quickly? She need emotional help to get back into the real world. He raped a girl, then he killed a girl--time for payment.

    What is wrong with the justice system that it takes 30 years to finalize punishment? In Texas it is less than seven years from sentencing to execution.

    Great way to save $50 million a year---clear out death row.
