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Democrats Want Free BOTTLED Water for Students

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  • Democrats Want Free BOTTLED Water for Students

    Bottled water is a fraud. In most cases tap water is better supervised and "tastier" than bottle water.

    Bottom line, water is water.

    Yet the Democrats think students should receive FREE bottled water instead of being forced to drink tap water.

    Tax dollars for bottled water--what will the Democrats think of next?

    "As we all know, young people are constantly bombarded by advertisements and pressure from their peers to consume junk beverages that are high in calories and sugar. Yet many students do not have access to free, fresh drinking water at lunchtime," Leno said in material promoting his bill.

    "You just don't imagine in our country in 2010 that there isn't free water to drink while you are having a meal. But there isn't," said Kenneth Hecht, executive director of California Food Policy Advocates, an Oakland-based organization that supported the legislation."

    Spend, spend, spend--Democrats just love that word.
