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Illegal Alien Child Molester Awarded $4.5 Million in California!

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  • Illegal Alien Child Molester Awarded $4.5 Million in California!

    Illegal alien sneaks into our country.

    Illegal alien molests a six year old girl.

    Illegal alien goes to jail. In jail follow prisoners beat up the child molester.

    Illegal alien sues County and becomes a millionaire--$4.3 million of tax dollars.

    "The first chapter in this distasteful story begins with Fernando Ramirez, a 24-year-old illegal alien, being caught molesting a 6-year-old girl in a park. He was duly convicted and sent to the Orange County Central Jail. The second chapter is predictable.

    Inmates in prison for murder, bank robbery, mugging old ladies, and other assorted thuggery agree on at least one thing: They hate child molesters. So when Mr. Ramirez was finally incarcerated, his life insurance company should have been quick to cancel his policy. That the California court allowed Fernando to plead guilty to battery against a child, instead of putting him on trial for child molestation, did not impress his fellow inmates. They beat him to within the proverbial inch of his life.....Bringing a case before the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the kindly attorney claimed that Ramirez had suffered brain damage because of the beating, that he needs help walking, and that he now has the intellect of a four-year-old child. Luckily, that age was two years less than the six-year-old child he had molested, so the supervisors must have been very saddened by his alleged condition.

    In the fourth chapter, the supervisors take stock of the dire financial straits of Orange County. They then conclude that county taxpayers can still find it in their hearts to hand the child molester and his lawyer the largest settlement ever given to anyone in county custody: $3.75 million, plus $900,000 for medical expenses. With a wave of their wands, Orange County Supervisors made Fernando one of the richest non-citizens in the country."

    Do you think Obama would allow a millionaire to be deported? Think children are safer now in Orange County?
