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SEIU Uses Fear, Lies, and Million$ to Sway Kaiser Workers

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  • SEIU Uses Fear, Lies, and Million$ to Sway Kaiser Workers

    The openly corrupt SEIU is pulling out all the stops to keep the bribe money of professional nurses.

    This says it all, "In his book, Confessions of a Union Buster, Marty Leavitt observed: the only way to bust a union is to lie, distort, manipulate, threaten, and always, always attack. In California, SEIU faces a similar challenge: it must convince 44,000 Kaiser Hospital workers that the NUHW leadership team that brought them the best contracts in the industry when they previously ran SEIU-UHW should be replaced by out-of-state staff with no such track record. Its a tough sell, which is why SEIU is avoiding public debates. Instead, SEIU is following the classic union-busters strategy of relying on massive spending (between $20-40 million) to spread falsehoods about NUHW in robo-calls, email blasts, slick mailers and worksite visits. SEIU will soon have 2,600 (!) full-time staff on the Kaiser campaign. SEIU is also getting in-kind assistance from Kaiser, which has turned conference rooms over to SEIUs campaign. SEIU is likely running the most expensive political campaign per voter in United States history, and is ensuring that the Kaiser election is not only the largest NLRB election since the 1940s, but among the most dishonest."
