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is This Your Town? Chula Vista Looks Ahead To Even Bigger Budget Deficit

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  • is This Your Town? Chula Vista Looks Ahead To Even Bigger Budget Deficit

    This is how bad it is in Chula Vista, "Chula Vista is tackling next year’s budget deliberations six months early. Even after four years of cuts, the cities budget hole is larger than ever.

    The projected budget short fall for next year is somewhere between $12-$17 million."

    Yet, they have tried to fix the problem, "He says Chula Vista has already eliminated more than 250 full-time positions, and has reduced its hourly staffing by half."

    Can you imagine how bloated this city government had become? My guess is that the locals do not even notice the cuts. Sadly, most city government, like the State, is bloated like a whale--the reason of course is more employees, the more union members.

    It is time to make union membership voluntary. That would go a long way toward stopping the cancerous growth of government.
