Obviously the AFL-CIO leader Trumka has either a competence problem or medical issue. Hear is what he believes:
"Union goon Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO thinks that America’s deficit problem is just something created by the media and evil right-wing politicians. Here are a few quotes from an interview with Townhall.com.
* We dont have a short term deficit problem .. and every economist in the country knows that.
* The Republicans have done a marvelous of creating fiction and making it seem like fact.
* We have a jobs crisis in this country. We don’t have a deficit crisis.
The Feds are running three straight years of trillion dollar deficits--in fact in the three years we have increased the deficit by $4 trillion.
We have an unemployment rate the chief economic advisor to President Obama, Christina Romer, says will stay between 9-10% for the next 2-3 years, at least.
Since the $800 billion Obama stimulus program, that added $800 million to the deficit, we have added over two million lost jobs.
What Trumka is really saying is that regardless of anybody else, those who pay bribes in order to work should get tax dollars before anybody else.
To the AFL-CIO crime does pay. The rest of us are forced to go broke paying for the crooks.
Give Trumka his meds and allow us to keep the Bush tax cuts--with ObamaCare he will be in "good" hands.
"Union goon Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO thinks that America’s deficit problem is just something created by the media and evil right-wing politicians. Here are a few quotes from an interview with Townhall.com.
* We dont have a short term deficit problem .. and every economist in the country knows that.
* The Republicans have done a marvelous of creating fiction and making it seem like fact.
* We have a jobs crisis in this country. We don’t have a deficit crisis.
The Feds are running three straight years of trillion dollar deficits--in fact in the three years we have increased the deficit by $4 trillion.
We have an unemployment rate the chief economic advisor to President Obama, Christina Romer, says will stay between 9-10% for the next 2-3 years, at least.
Since the $800 billion Obama stimulus program, that added $800 million to the deficit, we have added over two million lost jobs.
What Trumka is really saying is that regardless of anybody else, those who pay bribes in order to work should get tax dollars before anybody else.
To the AFL-CIO crime does pay. The rest of us are forced to go broke paying for the crooks.
Give Trumka his meds and allow us to keep the Bush tax cuts--with ObamaCare he will be in "good" hands.