Government is force, not logic, reason or honest. Disagree?
Private business is the center of the economy. Government is working to close it down, by fees, taxes and regulation.
"A study by the Regulatory Studies Program at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center in 2001(“A Review and Synthesis of the Cost of Workplace Regulations&rdquo
found that workplace regulations have a significant cost. The researchers surveyed 100 manufacturers in the United States, ranging from 7 employees to 65,400 employees. The survey showed:
* Complying with workplace regulations cost an average of $2.2 million per manufacturing firm or about $1,700 per employee
* Smaller firms (less than 100 employees) faced higher costs than large firms (500 or more) with costs of $2,573 per employee and $1,530 per employee respectively
The survey revealed which types of regulations affect manufacturers the most:
* Worker Health and Safety regulations, including OSHA, accounted for one-third the cost of compliance
* Regulations governing employee benefits ranked second, making up 27 percent of the cost of compliance
* Civil rights, labor standards, and labor-management relations regulations each made up about 10 percent of the cost of compliance"
The bigger the government, the smaller the private sector.
Could this be why we have close to 10% unemployment, and hundreds of thousands each month are so discouraged, they just work away from the jobs market?
Private business is the center of the economy. Government is working to close it down, by fees, taxes and regulation.
"A study by the Regulatory Studies Program at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center in 2001(“A Review and Synthesis of the Cost of Workplace Regulations&rdquo

* Complying with workplace regulations cost an average of $2.2 million per manufacturing firm or about $1,700 per employee
* Smaller firms (less than 100 employees) faced higher costs than large firms (500 or more) with costs of $2,573 per employee and $1,530 per employee respectively
The survey revealed which types of regulations affect manufacturers the most:
* Worker Health and Safety regulations, including OSHA, accounted for one-third the cost of compliance
* Regulations governing employee benefits ranked second, making up 27 percent of the cost of compliance
* Civil rights, labor standards, and labor-management relations regulations each made up about 10 percent of the cost of compliance"
The bigger the government, the smaller the private sector.
Could this be why we have close to 10% unemployment, and hundreds of thousands each month are so discouraged, they just work away from the jobs market?