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Democrat Congressman Stark: Crazy or off his meds?

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  • Democrat Congressman Stark: Crazy or off his meds?

    Bay Area Congressman Pete Stark is a nut. He has either refused therapy or has stopped taking his medication.

    How else do you explain his comment to a constituent, "I wouldn't dignify you by peeing on your leg" or that he claims that our borders are very secure.

    Then you have his statement, "The Federal Government can do most anything in this country."

    Pete Stark yells and screams at his constituents, berates them, calls them foul names. Pete Stark needs help.

    Sadly, he is a member of Congress and will continue to be ten years after he dies--that is how radical his district is.

    Actually, the GOP should put his comments on YouTube videos on TV--let the nation know this man is a committee chairman and a leader of Democrats in Congress. Want to get rid of him? Defeat the Democrats and give the GOP a majority--that is the only way to stop this very sick man.

    Click on "read more" to see a few of his highlights on YouTube--not very pretty. And, see a Washington Examiner editorial about this "congressman".
