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Illegal Alien Supporters Upset With AG Jerry Brown

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  • Illegal Alien Supporters Upset With AG Jerry Brown

    How radical are supporters of illegal aliens? So radical that they are upset with one of their own supporters of amnesty for illegal aliens, Jerry Brown. Why?

    ""ICE's stated intent and practice is to place holds on those individuals who are in the country illegally and who have a history of serious crimes or who have been previously deported," Brown wrote in a May letter to San Francisco County Sheriff Michael Hennessey after Hennessey requested that San Francisco, a sanctuary city, be able to opt out of the policy.

    "Because I think this program serves both public safety and the interest of justice, I am declining your request," Brown wrote to Hennessey."

    As Attorney General he is obligated to enforce the law--and he is trying. By doing this, the criminal supporters are angry. "A group of immigrant-rights groups today demanded that state Attorney General Jerry Brown meet with them to discuss his decision to force San Francisco to follow a federal program that they say violates their rights and has similarities to Arizona's immigration law. Some of the speakers at the San Francisco protest even threatened that they would oppose Brown, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, in November's election if he did not change his position."

    These people are corrupt. Laws means nothing, it is ideology that counts.

    This is why our nation is in trouble. Brown should send them a copy of the law and a copy of his oath of office and tell them their will be a quiz.
