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Obama Closes Car Dealers--Without Regard to Economy and Jobs

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  • Obama Closes Car Dealers--Without Regard to Economy and Jobs

    The Obama Administration may be the most corrupt in the history of this nation--rivaling only Chicago for King of Corruption.

    For instance, when he used your money to buy Chrysler and General Motors he used this as an opportunity to punish those who donated to the GOP.

    Of hundreds of dealers closed, only ONE, for $200, donated to Democrats. The politically connected McCarty dealerships--former Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton, had his six dealerships saved.

    "What started earlier this week as mainly a rumbling on the Right side of the Blogosphere has gathered some steam today with revelations that among the dealers being shut down are a GOP congressman and closing of competitors to a dealership chain partly owned by former Clinton White House chief of staff Mack McLarty.

    The basic issue raised here is this: How do we account for the fact millions of dollars were contributed to GOP candidates by Chrysler who are being closed by the government, but only one has been found so far that is being closed that contributed to the Obama campaign in 2008?"

    See stories here and here.

    Now we know the closures harmed the economy, threw thousands out of jobs--and killed the economy in dozens of small towns. Was this corruption or incompetence? A man with a Law degree from Harvard incompetent? We already know he openly lies.
