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'Climategate' fallout may impact legislation

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  • 'Climategate' fallout may impact legislation

    Scientists lied in order to get grants to study more lies.

    Email was shredded; data "lost" scientists openly admitted they did not want all the evidence about "global warming" presented. Now, the folks who did this investigated themselves and found themselves innocent.

    Yeah, sure.

    "Five investigations into the "Climategate" scandal have now cleared a group of scientists accused of twisting data in an effort to prove the world is getting warmer.

    But many environmentalists and climate researchers fear the damage has already been done.

    The scandal spawned big headlines and heated blog posts when it erupted last fall after hackers released a stash of unflattering e-mails from a climate research lab in Britain. In one message, a scientist wrote of using a "trick" to "hide the decline" in temperature-proxy data from tree rings. Global warming doubters claimed vindication.

    British and American investigations have now largely exonerated the scientists, saying they did not warp their studies to reach a pre-determined end. But the public may not buy it. Some polls show the public's belief in the reality of climate change has ebbed, although other surveys disagree."

    More fraud--and politicians know that the people now know. "A Gallup poll released in March found that 48 percent of Americans believe the seriousness of climate change is usually exaggerated, up from 41 percent in 2009. But other recent polls say a majority of Americans still consider global warming a major problem and want the federal government to address it."

    Yes, the damage has been done to the whole scientific community.
