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Arnold: Lame Duck Down but not out?

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  • Arnold: Lame Duck Down but not out?

    Once again, the LA Times is either misreading the facts or just defending an old friend who agrees with them on job killing policies, high taxes, failure to cut spending and more.

    Lots of excuses, not a single word about responsibility, his denouncements of the Republican Party, calling Democrats "Girly Men", these and other actions have made him a potted plant in Sacramento. There is no trust by the legislators--and his 22% "approval" rate by the public shows that few trust or believe in him.

    The Times see his low approval rating as a chance to "give the termed-out governor the chance to do something good for the state in crafting a budget." What are they smoking, funny cigarettes not yet legalized in California? The man is not trusted, not liked an few listen to him, other than staff. California is in trouble and they are wasting ink and trees on a defense of Arnold.

    Six months and counting.
