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White House to Unveil List of "Free" Preventative Services

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  • White House to Unveil List of "Free" Preventative Services

    Why is Barack Obama no longer trusted? Because his lies are as transparent as those of a seven year old school yard bully.

    "The Obama administration on Wednesday will unveil new rules specifying which preventive health services will be free to consumers under the new health law."

    Free to the consumers? Somebody pays. Either the insurance companies, then the insured through higher premiums. Or, the taxpayer, through high taxes or less services elsewhere.

    TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

    The reason the presidents approval rating is about 43% is because folks realize this is a man who will say or do anything to get his way--Remember, no move terrorists in Gitmo after February, 2010. Or the infamous call to that no one earning less than $250,000 would see a tax increase.

    My favorite is if we do not spend $787 billion on the stimulus the unemployment rate will go over 8%.

    It is a race between Arnold and Obama who is the more amateur leader.

    We need regime change on November 2...anything less will be a disaster.
