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Union Pension Deals Killing Libraries and Parks

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  • Union Pension Deals Killing Libraries and Parks

    Not unexpected, the cost of the sweetheart deals between city council, Boards of Supervisors, School Boards and other union owned entities are now doing their job--they are crowding out money for parks and libraries.

    "Former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan said Saturday that rising pension costs could cause the city to run out of money to pay for parks, libraries and other services within two years."

    Of course the currently, Phony Toney--who has a deficit of hundreds of millions of dollars calls this "outlandish". When was the last time anybody, including his girl friends, ever believed him?

    As noted the cost of government pensions are going up, at a time when revenues are going down--people are starting to vote NO on taxes increases, crooked bonds and so called parcel taxes.

    Riordan is right. The LA Mayor has not told the truth in years. Thanks to unions, parks and libraries will close, but those who paid bribes in order to work will be OK.
