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How much is California's budget impasse costing taxpayers?

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  • How much is California's budget impasse costing taxpayers?

    Nationally, pundits are saying that California is going to become the next Greece. Unlike the United States, neither California nor Greece can print money, but both have policies that will throw them in bankruptcy. Greece is already there, we are close to it.

    Between the unions, AB 32, high taxes, courts that have cut our water supply and demanded continued payments for much of government services, who needs a budget?

    In Washington, Obama got a bill passed "deeming" a budget (which does not exist and no hearings were held on the non existent budget) and guess what--no budget but it no longer matters. Obama can spend anything he wants, with absolutely no controls.

    In a different way, that is how California is operating. Now that the courts have ruled the State employees will be paid (with money borrowed since the State is totally broke), there is no reason to pass a budget.

    Why is California in trouble? The children are running Sacramento under the watchful eye of the unions and courts--the people no longer count.
