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Can GOP quit weed-whacking? Some GOP'ers Support Legalizing Marijuana

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  • Can GOP quit weed-whacking? Some GOP'ers Support Legalizing Marijuana

    The California Political News and Views is NOT Fox News--I will not be Fair and Balanced--I will only be fair.

    My friend Steve Greenhut has an excellent piece in favor of the legalization of marijuana and thought you should see a ration discussion from the other side.

    "If the California Republican Party were serious about its oft-stated calls for limiting government, then it should be championing an initiative on the November ballot that would reduce government interference in our lives, increase the efficiency of law-enforcement, protect property rights and help fill the gaping hole in the state budget by following the principles of the marketplace.

    To make it even more enticing, this initiative echoes arguments advocated by free-market heroes Milton Friedman and William F. Buckley."

    He quotes Dr. Milton Friedman and makes some good points.

    "In his 1991 speech calling the drug war a socialist enterprise, Nobel economist Friedman asked, whose interests are served by the drug war? The major beneficiaries from drug prohibition are the drug lords, who can maintain a cartel they would be unable to maintain without current government policy. This reminds me of another libertarian phrase about the Baptists and the bootleggers the two groups who most zealously supported alcohol Prohibition. The first group supported it for moral reasons, whereas the latter supported it (and often funded the former) in service to less-lofty goals."

    This will be hotly debated---an important discussion.
