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Troubling Issues with Democrats and Guns

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  • Troubling Issues with Democrats and Guns

    The Constitution has always been a problem for the Democrats.

    They want to control the media via regulation.

    They want to tax religious organizations, and keep Faith out of the Public Square.

    Democrats are not happy with the 10th Amendment, States Rights--the lawsuit against Arizona, ObamaCare are just two examples of how Washington wants Governors to be appointed by D.C. not elected by the people of the States.

    The big one of course is the Second Amendment. Thanks to liberal and Democrat policies government is cutting back law enforcement protection. Oakland, the crime capitol of California, is cutting 80 cops.

    They know that private gun ownership protects people. "What happened when Washington, D.C.s onerous gun ban was overturned? Liberals screamed there would be blood filling the streets. Like everything Liberals say, it was wrong:

    Washingtons murder rate has plummeted falling by 25 percent in 2009 alone. This compares with a national drop of only 7 percent last year. And D.C.s drop has continued this year.

    Comparing Washingtons crime rates from January 1 to June 17 of this year to the same period in 2008, shows a 34 percent drop in murder. This drop puts D.C.s murder rate back to where it was before the 1977 handgun ban. Indeed, the murder rate is as low as was before 1967."

    The choice is simple--Democrats and no guns=more crime and victims. The Second Amendment =fewer crimes, fewer victims. Your choice.

    Remember, when seconds count, the police are minutes away. Do you want to be a victim? That is what Democrats want for you.
