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Illegal Aliens Cost U.S. $113 Billion Per Year

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  • Illegal Aliens Cost U.S. $113 Billion Per Year

    The cost of failure of closing our borders? $113 billion a year.

    The cost of not enforcing our immigration laws? $113 billion a year.

    The cost of Obama suing Arizona? $113 billion a year.

    The cost of a Federal government in support of drug smugglers, terrorists, human sex traffickers, run of the mill criminals? $113 billion a year.

    "FAIR's report argues that there are two choices in the immigration debate: One choice is pursuing a strategy that discourages future illegal migration and increasingly diminishes the current illegal alien population through denial of job opportunities and deportations. The other choice, it says, would repeat the unfortunate decision made in 1986 to adopt an amnesty that invited continued illegal migration.

    How much does it cost California? "in California the additional cost of illegal immigration, $21.8 billion"--that is half of our deficit.

    Pass this on, let your friends, family and associates know that the corruption of Washington is costing California $21 billion--and the nation $113 billion, per year.

    Why are teachers being fired? Because of illegal aliens.

    Why are cops being fired? Because of illegal aliens.

    Why are hospitals closing and health care costs so much? Because of illegal aliens.

    Had enough? Remember in November that Obama sued Arizona for trying to enforce Federal law--let the Democrats understand that corruption, terrorism, sick crimes are not to be tolerated, even if approved by a President, Senator Boxer, or a Democrat member of Congress.
