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First 5 losing funding-- Cigarette tax hike may be taking toll

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  • First 5 losing funding-- Cigarette tax hike may be taking toll

    Government is crazy. The Left wanted higher taxes on cigarettes (yet medical marijuana is NOT taxed), now the taxes are so high (in New York City a pack of cigarettes is $12.75!!!) that people are no longer able to afford them.

    Yet government programs paid for by the tax are still here--and expecting to stay.

    "First 5 San Bernardino recently announced more than $26.9 million in grants to 35 organizations countywide that help children under six years of age. Another $46.8 million could follow this week, and $8.7 more could come in August.

    But due to the effects of a cigarette tax boost, the more than $82 million in awards to be spread out over three years could symbolize the last hurrah for First 5 organizations in each of the state's 58 counties. A higher tax has led to fewer Californians smoking, and those who still do are smoking less. All this means less funding for groups like First 5."

    There is an effort to put another $1.60 tax on cigarettes, for "cancer research". Pass that one, and the revenues will drop dramatically.

    This is what happens what government wants to help. It makes a promise for services, and then bankrupts folks who pay the bills--and stop the services to those who counted on them.

    As President Reagan said, "Government is not the solution to problems, it is the cause."
