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Illinois Deficit $12 Billion-Stops Paying Bills

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  • Illinois Deficit $12 Billion-Stops Paying Bills

    California is approximately $40 billion in deficit, when you count ALL its unpaid bills. Arnold, in the past five years, not including this, ran up $100 billion in deficits. That does not count the $525 billion in unsustainable unfunded pension liabilities.

    New York has a $9.2 billion deficit, and growing.

    Illinois has a deficit of close to $12 billion--and has stopped paying its bills.

    Pennsylvania has only a one billion deficit--but starts the next fiscal year July 1, 2010, $5 billion in deficit--and using lots of smoke, mirrors and "promised" Federal money.

    None have considered the billions in new health care costs due to the Obamacare expansion of "free" services to be provided by the insurance companies and public health services.

    What does New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania and California all have in common? All are owned by the unions and the Governors pretend to be independent.

    "For the last few years, California stood more or less unchallenged as a symbol of the fiscal collapse of states during the recession. Now Illinois has shouldered to the fore, as its dysfunctional political class refuses to pay the states bills and refuses to take the painful steps cuts and tax increases to close a deficit of at least $12 billion, equal to nearly half the states budget."

    Doesn't that make you proud of our legislature and Governor, "For the last few years, California stood more or less unchallenged as a symbol of the fiscal collapse of states during the recession."

    We were the role model!

    Government is out of control and the unions are at the heart and soul of the problem. They own or control too many elected officials, from school boards to the White House.

    Some time in the next few days or weeks, California will join Illinois in being unable to pay its bills.

    Obama and Biden call this "Recovery Summer". Ask the 650,000 Americans who stopped looking for jobs--watch the tens of thousands of government workers, nationwide, being laid off. See the government revenues go down. Then on January 1, 2011 watch for the fiscal explosion when Obama, by inaction, allows the nations economy collapse due to his tax increases.

    If the nation was a person, we would be sent to a hospice with six months to live.
