Some government agencies will suffer without a budget.
Some State employees may not get paid due to the lack of a budget.
Unions will be screaming, for lack of a budget.
Programs will have to become efficient or close down, due to the lack of a budget.
Government agencies will have to stop the incompetence and corruption, due to a lack of a budget.
But, the people of California are the winner, due to a lack of a budget.
Democrats want a series of tax increases and Arnold has shown he is willing to take even more money from families, and kill jobs, if needed to pass a budget.
A quick fix means the continuation of incompetence, wasteful programs, corruption, bloated employment rolls (anybody miss the DMV being open six days a week--every month?)
The longer the wait to pass a budget, the more opportunity to close down wasteful programs, lower the employment levels, end policies that kill jobs and revenues.
This is the time to inundate the legislature with ideas on cutting the budget--while the unions are promoting the enlargement of government.
It is time for your voice to be heard, don't you think?
It is now or never, get angry or get poor. Oh, note they are still lying about the deficit. The Times is reporting a $19.1 billion deficit, thought the State Controller admits to borrowing $20 billion to keep the State open, close to $10 billion in lost lawsuits, and billions in stolen money from Trust Funds to keep the State government bloated.
The Times, needs to tell the truth, even if the politicians will not.
Some State employees may not get paid due to the lack of a budget.
Unions will be screaming, for lack of a budget.
Programs will have to become efficient or close down, due to the lack of a budget.
Government agencies will have to stop the incompetence and corruption, due to a lack of a budget.
But, the people of California are the winner, due to a lack of a budget.
Democrats want a series of tax increases and Arnold has shown he is willing to take even more money from families, and kill jobs, if needed to pass a budget.
A quick fix means the continuation of incompetence, wasteful programs, corruption, bloated employment rolls (anybody miss the DMV being open six days a week--every month?)
The longer the wait to pass a budget, the more opportunity to close down wasteful programs, lower the employment levels, end policies that kill jobs and revenues.
This is the time to inundate the legislature with ideas on cutting the budget--while the unions are promoting the enlargement of government.
It is time for your voice to be heard, don't you think?
It is now or never, get angry or get poor. Oh, note they are still lying about the deficit. The Times is reporting a $19.1 billion deficit, thought the State Controller admits to borrowing $20 billion to keep the State open, close to $10 billion in lost lawsuits, and billions in stolen money from Trust Funds to keep the State government bloated.
The Times, needs to tell the truth, even if the politicians will not.