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State Cap and Tax--a new way to steal to cover deficits.

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  • State Cap and Tax--a new way to steal to cover deficits.

    Government knows how to steal money to cover its deficits. Arnold has stolen billions from Trust Funds, and been sued and lost for his thefts. Even his new budget proposes to steal hundreds of millions from Trust Funds to cover his out of control spending (along with the complicity of the Democrats).

    Cap and trade is NOT about the environment. It is about a pot of money to be used for more government spending and as a "bank" to loot in order to cover corruption and deficits of government.

    "Lately, however, a few of the cash-strapped states have had other designs on the money. The same day as the most recent auction (June 9), New Hampshire lawmakers voted to take all of the state's expected $3.1 million share of the proceeds and use it to help plug a $295 million budget hole. That move came after New York and New Jersey had staged even bigger raids on cap-and-trade funds. New York transferred $90 million out of a fund of auction proceeds and into its general fund. And New Jersey is poised to use $65 million from carbon-credit sales to help balance its budget, pending a vote of the Legislature expected today."

    That well known "Sex Poodle" Al Gore is making a mint by being the P.T. Barnum of our time. Government uses his smears and lies, his lack of knowledge--but ability to use scary language--to create policies based on the known corruption of the scientific community.

    At the end of the day, decent people are losing jobs, paying more for consumer goods and housing--and taxes go up to pay for the destruction of our economic system.

    We need to laugh at Arnold, Barack and others promoting this new method of harming people and making government bigger.

    Get angry or get mad. Remember in November.
