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U.S. Paid Over $60,000 to Study Hookah-Smoking Jordanian Students

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  • U.S. Paid Over $60,000 to Study Hookah-Smoking Jordanian Students

    Why do the Feds run a deficit?

    "Since 2008, U.S. taxpayers have contributed more than $60,000 for research to study the prevalence of water pipe, or "hookah," smoking is among college students in Jordan.

    The research was paid for by the Fogarty International Center and the National Cancer Institute, both of which are elements of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)."

    In the past the Feds paid to study the drug use habits of San Fran prostitutes, the sex life of panda's in China. The Feds, under Obama have spend billions for corrupt unions, ACORN fraud, taken over companies,
    about to give $60 billion to bail out corrupt bankrupt unions looted pension plans.

    Wonder how many other hookah studies, panda’s sex studies and corrupt union bailed out by the poor victims, honest Americans.

    This is as sick as it gets--$60,000 for a student of Jordanian student drug use.
