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Berkeley: University of Anarchy and No Consequences

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  • Berkeley: University of Anarchy and No Consequences

    Cal Berkeley fed protesters in tress for more than twenty months--costing taxpayers millions because a facility could not be built. No investigation of how this happened, no Administrator fired.

    But when students vandalized the home of UC Chancellor Robert Birgeneau, it was the police that were investigated. The report found the police guilty, of wearing protective gear. "First, there's this dubious theory on the use of riot gear by officers from UC and other departments called to aid the scene: "If the police had not worn riot gear, there never would have been a need for it."

    While the review purports not to take a side on this theory, the review board continues, "We wonder whether it was wise to have some of the mutual aid squads try to move through the crowd in rigid, formal, militaristic formation."

    Guess the Administrators prefer the cops to be harmed then hurt the sensitivities of the rioters by having police protect themselves from rocks, knives and other thrown objects.

    Government employees--your employees prefer to support criminals. "For nearly two years, UC delivered energy bars and water to trespassing tree sitters lest activists get hungry or thirsty and fall from a tree. Do not tell me that the university is supposed to take every precaution coddling activists breaking the law, then risk the safety of men and women dispatched to ensure the peace in dangerous hot spots.

    Which leads to the other issue -- that student protest is practically a major at Berkeley. UC police arrested a professor for cutting the crime scene tape outside Wheeler Hall. Some students told the review board that they ended up at the Nov. 20 protest simply because they wanted to be part of "the Berkeley experience."

    Time to fire the Chancellor, his administrators and everybody involved in this conspiracy of stupidity. Protect criminals and investigate the cops, Berkeley drugs have obviously fried the brains of "professionals".

    Maybe closing Berkeley for a few years until honest, respectful professors and administrators can be hired is the best response? In the short term, arrest everybody, including the Chancellor for theft of tax dollars by allowing and supporting the tree sitters.

    What do you think? Should you tax dollars go for snacks for criminals and investigations of cops stopping riots or for honest education?
