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FPPC investigates ?No on 17?

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  • FPPC investigates ?No on 17?

    Slick by a half, the opponents of Prop. 17--your ability to lower automobile insurance rates which was killed by the Hollywood slickies, are now under investigation.

    "Roman G. Porter, executive director of the state agency, wrote in a letter on June 3 that the Enforcement Division will investigate the allegations raised by Yes on 17, the campaign for a change in automobile insurance regulation sponsored almost entirely by Californias third-largest auto insurance provider, Mercury Insurance.

    Spokespersons for Yes on 17 contend that Campaign for Consumer Reform violated campaign finance disclosure laws by siphoning donations from the Stop Prop 17 Web page to sponsoring organization coffers, who then donated the money back to No on 17 with no word on its original sources. The Yes on 17 complaint raises questions of money-laundering, which the FPPC considered one of the most serious violations of the Political Reform Act, says Chip Nielsen, counsel for Yes on 17."

    Wonder why people have little trust in the electoral process--just look at the movement of money by the NO side--to hide the source!
