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State Borrowed $18 Billion to Keep Government "Open"

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  • State Borrowed $18 Billion to Keep Government "Open"

    Do you think California is operating with revenues from taxes and fees?

    Nope, it is using transfers of funds from Trust Funds (mostly illegal) and the borrowing of $18 billion--which must be paid back, but can't.

    "The State started the fiscal year with an $11.9 billion cash deficit, which rose to $18.6 billion on May 31, 2010. Those deficits are being covered with a combination of $12 billion of internal borrowing from special funds and $6.0 billion in external borrowing."

    This is from a State Controllers press release, NOT a news story.

    Why haven’t the Times, the Bee (any variety), the Chronicle or other fringe newspaper made this into a big story?

    California is paying its bills with stolen and/or borrowed money! Who says we are not bankrupt? Who says the Governor and those running the State are honest?

    This is why California will be in a Great Depression for a generation, we the people do not demand honesty from our elected officials--and we continue to buy newspapers that censor the news and are propaganda outlets for the elites, the unions and the special interests. Found this press release on the Internet--not the media.
