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Governor's welfare cuts are blows to schools

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  • Governor's welfare cuts are blows to schools

    The media does not get it. California is dead broke--worse it has a deficit of $40 billion and a debt of north of $800 billion when you include the unsustainable pension liabilities.

    Instead of whinnying about welfare vs. failed government education, the media needs to be demanding the end of union and special interest control of the legislature, Governor and the budget.

    "A few weeks ago, one of my best students missed a day of class - a very unusual thing for him. I asked him why. He said he had to help his mother move all their stuff out of their apartment and into the basement of a friend's home. The economic downturn has cost his single mother her job, and now, their home." This is sad--but what is the Guv or schools supposed to do--schools are unable to educate, so what is this about?

    Actually, the student probably missed an assembly on healthy eating habits, how to stop bullying (not how to stop being bullied) or that we need to be tolerate of illegal aliens.

    Government needs total reform. The best reform is charter schools for education (all schools becoming charter--which ends union control), ending the non essential services and programs of government and the indictment and conviction of corrupt government workers.

    We need a total Revolution in November at the ballot box.
