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Arnolds' Decision: Government Education Over Welfare

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  • Arnolds' Decision: Government Education Over Welfare

    We have finally come to the fork in the road--actually a three way fork--education, public safety and welfare.

    Arnold has chosen failed government education, over public safety and a welfare system. The "professionals" in San Diego are following the lead of the Guv and choosing government education over helping "disadvantaged students" special services.

    In this case, that is a good thing. What the article does not note is that many of those disadvantaged students are actually illegal aliens--"disadvantaged" is merely a euphemism for illegal in many cases of government.

    "It would play out differently depending on the school. Poorer schools would cover the costs of the counselors and coaches with special federal funds for disadvantaged students. Schools with wealthier students would use leftover federal stimulus money.

    But critics and a state official say shifting those costs may violate the law. The law insists that school districts must provide comparable services to all schools with their state and local funding. The federal money for disadvantaged students is supposed to be a cherry on top, for the extra needs of poor children.

    One of the key legal issues is whether the federal stimulus money, which was given to school districts to help survive the economic crunch, falls under the same rules as the ordinary funding those districts get.

    "For a hundred years they've paid for counselors out of their [ordinary] budget," said David Page, who leads a parent committee that oversees funds for disadvantaged schools. "Now they're going to tell the federal government that this is a new idea?"

    Sadly, these folks are doing the right thing for the wrong reason--and still wasting the money, this time on union approved programs.
