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Gandrud and Rutherford--Two Outstanding Local Candidates

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  • Gandrud and Rutherford--Two Outstanding Local Candidates

    I seldom write about local candidates in the California Political News and Views. But, in this election I must. Santa Barbara needs an experience financial leader and someone who has proved to be a fiscally responsible office holder.

    San Bernardino needs to be cleaned up from the corruption that is widespread--and need to show political consultants that lying and smearing good people is wrong and not to be tolerated by honest citizens.

    Both are great candidates and will do the job well.

    Greg Gandrud is a former Carpenteria City Council member, a financial business leader a community activist and someone who bought an expanded101 Freeway to the Central Coast. He is running for Treasurer of Santa Barbara County--a county near bankruptcy due to out of control spending and unions getting pensions that are no longer sustainable. Why Greg?

    "Our county's pension fund is ONE BILLION DOLLARS short. This year's budget deficit is over forty million dollars.

    Our citizens are facing massive unemployment, have mortgages that exceed property values, and struggle to put food on their family tables. Sheriffs deputies are being eliminated, fire service reduced, teachers laid off, pension fund chronically under-funded, roads full of potholes!

    Employees, who will cost the county an average of $118,900 each in the coming fiscal year, will each receive an average of about $38,800 this coming year in benefits. Our Board of Supervisors lacks financial expertise and just voted to spend fifty thousand dollars to study their pension fiasco rather than simply vote to fix it."

    More about Greg Gandrud can be found here.

    Janice Rutherford is a Fontana City Council member, running for Board of Supervisors in one of the most corrupt counties in the nation. She has served on the Council for the past ten years.

    Now as a candidate her opponent, the incumbent Paul Biane, who was "blind" to the corruption around him for years, has a campaign consultant who has slimed Rutherford. From a Press-Enterprise story, "
    A story about the city's budget appeared in the June 22, 2006, edition of The Press-Enterprise.

    However, the mailer merges parts of two different sentences in a different order and makes some wording changes.

    "The sentence attributed to The P-E is misleading. Some words from two disparate sentences were combined to create a false and deceptive political message," said Maria De Varenne, editor and vice president/news. "This is why we do not allow our copyright news content, particularly excerpts of our news stories, to be used for political or commercial purposes."

    Chris Jones is the consultant--the same consultant for Don Kurth, and Assembly candidate in the 63rd District. Kurth is the candidate who raised taxes five times in one year, voted to use tax dollars to get jobs for illegal aliens, never told the NRA he is opposed to guns, was an addict, went to jail--yet Jones calls him a "conservative".

    Slime in politics. See dirty story here. Biane and Jones is why folks have a distaste for the political system.

    Clean up San Bernardino politics--get rid of slimy politically operatives. Vote Janice Rutherford for Supervisor--retire those blind to corruption. The Press-Enterprise endorsement of Janice Rutherford is found here.
