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Judge Jim Gray: "A Voters Handbook"

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  • Judge Jim Gray: "A Voters Handbook"

    Some books are about candidates and their positions. Others, like the new book from former Orange County Superior Court Judge James Gray, "A Voters Handbook" is about issues and how to rate the candidates based on Freedom vs. government.

    In a "shocking” section, he proposes that people be "free to choose". This in the face of Michelle Obama deciding what you may drink, eat, how much exercise you MUST have, and how to spend your free time. That is why the old 1960's joke, "If Pro is the opposite of Con, then is Progress the opposite of Congress?" is in order. The Obama's are totalitarians--they do not believe in free choice--unless it is to kill an unborn baby--then, the more the merrier.

    A true “radical”, Judge Gray believes that if parents could choose charter schools, private schools, home schooling or government schools, all the schools would perform better. Unions of course believe monopolies work best--remember the Soviet Union, look at Cuba--the results of totalitarian monopolies.

    "As someone who earns a living writing about the dismal state of Californias political system, I often am asked something to this effect, What can we do to fix things? Fortunately, I now have an easy answer for them: Read Judge Jim Grays book. Gray understands that our nation cannot solve its most vexing political problems through more regulation and government control. The answers can be found by expanding human freedom. The big question is whether Americans, and Californians in particular, have the wisdom and courage to enact the time-tested ideas Gray explains in A Voters Handbook.
    Steven Greenhut, Pacific Research Institute & author of PLUNDER"

    Gray is a supporter of free choice when it comes to drugs, but not in the clothing students should wear when they attend school. A little inconsistent here.

    Want to read a well written Libertarian manifesto, this is the book. While I have some disagreements for the Judge, I prefer his solutions to those of the Governor and the Democrats.

    When I have a choice between freedom and government, between freedom and the current totalitarianism of the California government, I will always choose freedom.

    Judge James Gray is a hero to those who believe in freedom. His approach is simple and direct. He believes that people are smart enough to control their own lives and that government, by its nature, is force, threat and control. Success is earned, government steals. Want to see government at its best? Look at San Francisco, New York or the California capitol. Better yet, look at Los Angeles government schools--50% drop out rates. Gray understands that freedom comes from within and government is a thief, stealing your future and freedom.

    Read, "A Voters Handbook" and see if you prefer freedom to government. You can get the book through It will ship almost immediately, contrary to the remarks on the page.
