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Contra Costa Times editorial: Tax-borrow-spend scheme avoids real state budget soluti

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  • Contra Costa Times editorial: Tax-borrow-spend scheme avoids real state budget soluti

    It is hard to be more fiscally irresponsible than the amateur Arnold, our ego driven Governor. But according to the Contra Costa Times, we have a winner.

    "ASSEMBLY Democrats have concocted a scheme to "balance" the state budget in a manner that is even more irresponsible and bizarre than any of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's discredited proposals of past years.

    The state would borrow $8.7 billion in bonds to be repaid over 20 years, plus interest with a new tax on oil companies that would raise roughly $1.2 billion a year."

    That is what we need--more borrowing, more spending, a method to make the people poorer (remember, the oil severance tax will be paid by drivers at the pump--no corporation in history ever paid a tax--that is all passed on to the consumer--you and me.)

    then the government will continue to steal money from the recycling effort. "To avoid this drawback, the state would pay investors with $600 million a year from the state's Beverage Recycling Fund. Of course, the fund does not have that kind of money, so oil tax money would go toward making the Beverage Recycling Fund whole."

    How much more corrupt can California government get? Just ask Arnold, Abel and the Democrat.
