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Immigration agency targets upscale San Diego restaurant

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  • Immigration agency targets upscale San Diego restaurant

    Arrest illegal aliens wherever they are found.

    Arrest those that hire them, regardless of class or wealth.

    "The chef, popular in San Diego catering and philanthropic circles, was indicted last month on 12 felony counts of knowingly hiring illegal immigrants.

    The indictment reflects a new approach by federal authorities as they crack down on the hiring of illegal immigrants in the United States. After years of conducting sweeps of undocumented laborers, the federal government is now focusing more on the employers who knowingly hire them."

    The Feds could make dozens of arrests of owners, just in Ventura County, by going to car washes, hotels and restaurants.

    Easy pickings--if they were serious. Of course, if Obama was serious he would be supportive of Arizona, doing HIS job, instead of harassing honest government actions.
