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WSJ: California Implodin'

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  • WSJ: California Implodin'

    Arnold the amateur, ego driven "governor" must be the last person to know the truth (which he created).

    "Last week California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said revised budget numbers show the state is now $19 billion in debt. Say what? This is like a Hollywood horror story that has a new sequel every six months. The income and sales tax increases enacted last year were supposed to stanch the red ink, but the debt keeps rising.

    Mr. Schwarzenegger said that the "budget process is broken" -- no kidding -- and that the state now faces a "Sophie's Choice" of bad and worse options. His new budget calls for the elimination of whole programs and large reductions in health and welfare services.

    No need for a "Sophie's Choice".

    1. Get an Arizona type immigration law.
    2. End the union monopoly control of government
    3. Repeal job killers like AB 32
    4. Cut taxes across the board
    5. Cut 10%, to start, of government employees

    That would be a start.

    Simple answers to the problem of big government. Are we smart enough, care enough, to do these easy steps?
