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67% Say Mexico Does Not Want To Stop Illegal Immigration

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  • 67% Say Mexico Does Not Want To Stop Illegal Immigration

    Looks like American citizens are smarter than the average fifth grader and most politicians.

    "A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 13% of Adults think Mexico wants to stop illegal immigration. Sixty-seven percent (67%) say Mexico does not want to stop its citizens from
    entering the United States illegally. Another 20% are not sure.

    Mexican President Felipe Calderon in his meeting today with President Obama complained that Arizonas new immigration law encourages discrimination. But Arizona officials say the new law is needed in part because illegal immigration is causing big public safety and financial problems for the state."

    Mexico needs the money illegal aliens send back their families in Mexico.

    Mexico needs to get rid of the unemployed--by shipping them off to o in our country

    Mexico needs to get its criminals to sell drugs in our country--for the money.

    Mexico is corrupt, it is in the middle of a civil war. The United States is a victim. Obama has shut down the building of a wall, does not send enough guards to the border. He is begging and demanding we allow criminals from Mexico become American citizens. So, Mexico has no reason to stop the flow of drugs, human trafficking and the selling of Mexican women as sex slaves in the United States.

    Do you trust the corrupt Mexican government? Arizona laws are needed, and enforced in all the States as long as President Obama is representing the criminals of Mexico instead of the honest people of the United States. What do you think?
