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State audit: High-speed rail zooming toward disaster without major changes

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  • State audit: High-speed rail zooming toward disaster without major changes

    Those who looked at the High Speed Rail boondoggle when the measure was on the ballot knew we could not afford $200 billion (cost of building). We knew the promoters--special interests who would build the scam and the unions who would rip off the taxpayers with high wages for jobs that could be done at lower cost, knew this was a fraud--now, after billions have been wasted, an audit proves what we said.

    "Auditors also investigated a sample of 22 agreements the rail authority entered into with contractors around the state. The rail authority had written proof that it checked on only two of the projects to verify they were completed, but paid out $6.9 million to the other 20 contractors without evidence that the work was completed.

    Among other findings, the auditors said the rail authority:

    # paid contractors $268,000 for work not outlined in contracts, which jeopardizes the board's ability to hold them accountable for their original work plans.

    # does not have any way to track its administrative and planning spending, which will total $168 million by the end of June.

    # only appointed five of eight members to a state-required oversight committee, and that the group has been illegally meeting in private. As a result, its work could be voided, the audit says."

    This does not include the recent notice that a one way ticket, said to have been $55 while the measure was on the ballot, is now $105--and growing. Or the fact that the number of riders projected was off by a negative 30%.

    Costly, fraud, lies, special interest--this is why California will stay in a Depression. We need to cancel this effort, before effort cancels our jobs and families in California.
